Your career & future decisions do not need to be based on speculations & interest based trials
The problem we are solving
The system of education is quite broken and outdated. Today the megatrend of automation is shaping the economies. Life choices are changing at a rapid pace. The available options for future career & life choices are manifold. Deciding from the various choices presented to us is a hard task.
Being successful in the chosen area of life can often take decades. Time lost in choosing the right path sometimes can be quite frustrating. Determining a future that is change-proof and can align with our internal happiness is an impossible-looking task.
We ask you for your children or yourself ---
Before making your career decisions, are you aware of all the future life choices?
Are you aware of where your brain fits into this maze of life?
Can you uncover your full potential in life?
What capabilities do you have that can help ensure success?
We are an evidence-backed prediction Neuroscience company that enables decisions for future choices
Insights into what we do
'Know thyself', the dictum has been held true for decades. We have made this discovery available through an app by leveraging Neuroscience. SOFR's vision is to help each person on this planet to live a purposeful and joyous life by applying the science of self-discovery through Neuroscience based assessment.
We work with pre-high school students, post-college students, and adults to handhold them to discover their "Genius". We help showcase a deep inquiry into the powers of the brain to plan a successful and joyful life.
Thinking & brain patterns are like a spider's web. It can be complex to understand. We simplify this and allow you to understand your brain's strengths and priorities through the assessment in an easy hands-on approach.
We take you on an epic journey of self-discovery through brain-based insights and a strengths evaluation process .
Our approach is unique and you will not encounter the same through any of the psychometric tools in the world.
We have perfected it over the last decade.
Understand Your Child & Future Choices in Just 30 Minutes.

Personalized Neuroscience backed process for future discovery.
A review across the 900 careers & a detailed Successblueprint is available.
The career type, the world of work, the type of University environment, the elective major & minor options, future work styles, entrepreneurship quotient and much more can be derived from our process and approach.
About us
We help discover the Genius in all
We help high school, higher secondary, and post-college students plan their futures. We also help adults seeking to change their careers or curious to understand their success mix.
It is an irony of the current education system that young students are pressed to select their subject & life path choices at merely the age of 13 years when choosing between a burger or a pizza is also daunting.
Our own survey highlights that students are only aware of 10 to 12 career choices in high school.
The post-college life also is a messy place & time of life. Surely one gets an honored bachelor's degree, but what about planning for a successful & purposeful life trajectory? Would one pursue a master's course or join a job? What kind of job guarantees purpose and joy? These are the questions we help resolve.
Why us
We are the only company that personalizes your future choices with application of the principles of Neuroscience
This is the dawn of the future of personalization. We are watching personalized recommendations from Google, Netflix, Youtube, and other websites through cookies. We essentially personalize life's career choices with a deep understanding of brain types.
We identify the brain's thinking potential by a simple hands-on assessment available digitally through the app. Our AI-backed algorithm allows for providing various choices.
Our specificity in predicting the joyous life path has been over 85%. We also allow the students to get exposed to over 800 careers through an interesting swap right or left approach.
We help students-
The right subject choices
Curriculum choices
Career courses
The environment of study & country of study.
The success prediction in any chosen field of career
We help primary school students
Identify the right curriculum
Develop social adeptness
Decide on the type of career
The learning success
The Science or Humanities quotient
Subject choices
We help adults-
The right life path
The suitable job role/pivot
The Insights to crack success
Build successful relationships
Gig quotient
Entrepreneurship quotient
Knowing The Brain Type Adults/ Children
Detailed REPORT on the type of the brain
Personal Consultation with a team member
A dedicated report with matching maps
Lifetime access to the report portal
USD 250
With Dr Sweta Adatia
Detailed brain analysis REPORT
Detailed career guidance(Best choices from over 900 careers)
Application to the SUPER FUTURE PROGRAM
1.5 Hours 1:1 consultation with Dr Adatia
Insights to develop the whole brain
Follow up for 6 months with lifetime access to the report portal
USD 350
With Dr Sweta Adatia
Detailed brain report
Detailed career analysis
Two 1.5 hours Personal/Online Sessions
Entry to Super Future Club
The life design blueprint
The world of work review (New careers for 2030)
The success brain wiring session recording
References for University partners
Scholarship options with the partners
1 Year of free mail access to sort any career confusion & lifetime access to the report portal.
USD 550
Choose Your Package

We are brain divers. We understand the wiring of the brain and the mind's thinking patterns.
We have worked for over 10 years to understand how thinking predicts actions & behaviours.
We have cracked life's success & real joy code INSIDE OUT.
Brain type mapping is a masterful art and science. Dr Sweta Adatia, the program's founder, is a Neuroscientist & alchemist. Her passion & romance for the brain & understanding of the brain's functions and potentials is contagious.
She clearly believes that - If each person lives to his or her best potential through timely self-discovery, the world can be a magical place to live.
How we do what we do?
The complex, sophisticated human brain contains 100 billion neurons, each of which is connected to an average of 7,000 other neurons. They pass signals via 500 trillion synaptic connections.
Unsurprisingly, the brain's secrets have been difficult to uncover.
However, we finally have the technology that allows us to see into the brain. With this capability, we can gather and analyze terabytes of data with fidelity that was previously impossible.
Our method allows you to deep dive into your UNIQUE brain type. We can predict with high specificity how you will act, what work will excite you, and which career you will succeed in.
Our unique SORT method will allow you to understand and map your life's trajectory. Our BYOB- Build Your Own Brains program helps to harness the power of Neuroplasticity.
Our Swap right-left approach has helped the students learn over 800 careers in no time.The tool for self-discovery & brain type mapping - Mybraindesign® is accessible through an app and the web.
Who are we ?

Mapping the BRAIN TYPE early in middle & high school can do wonders for children
The Global No. 1 Best Selling BOOK ON AMAZON in COUNSELING

We are a Neuroscience backed company enabling decisions for career & life to lead a purposeful & joyous life.
Testimonials of Students whose paths we have mapped in style

About A...
A guy with extraordinary energy & enthusiasm who nailed the choice in an hour. He was contemplating a career in business vs. doing a master's in technology and embracing the industry. We knew his brain had the flair to take on business management head-on, and we fixed his choice with conviction. We will wait to see him as a successful business manager.

About S...
A girl with conviction about herself and her goals. A non-traditional schooler who says - I am a dreamer, writer, poet, singer, dancer & confused what do I opt next? In a week,we showed her strengths, opportunities, resistance within her brain, and steps to be firm and fine with a career choice. We cannot wait for her to embrace the communication and media career.

About Ad...
The guy who had almost made up his mind to become a singer & lol he found more to him after the brain design and now will be joining the data science course. Seeing your brain strengths can be powerful, which can help you take a firm foot forward not just in your career but also in life.